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  • Giselle Smith

easy as pie local business directory

Updated: Apr 2, 2019

If you are a resident of Elizabethtown or surrounding areas, finding a local Hardin County business to fit your needs has never been easier. Read more to find out the why behind Elizabethtown Lifestyle Magazine.

Welcome to Elizabethtown Lifestyle Magazine. We are so glad to have you here. Our mission at Elizabethtown Lifestyle Magazine (ELM for short) is to connect the patrons of Elizabethtown and surrounding cities to local businesses through a curated collection of features and articles in our print publication and blog, up-to-date social media channels and through featuring and hosting community events. How are we different than any other local magazine?

Have you ever wanted to truly know the real people behind the businesses you hire? Here's your chance. We are getting to know the faces behind the local Hardin Country brands you love and sharing their stories.

That's right. We aren't just listing the businesses who advertise with us and saying "BUY SOMETHING." At 32, I am one of the oldest of the millennials and it matters to me who I am doing business with. I love to know the stories behind the businesses I buy from whether that be hearing the why behind their businesses or knowing that they are working hard to support a family of five and put out the best product or service they can for you.

Had I grown up in Elizabethtown, I might personally know some of the local business owners, but alas, I am from Texas and ETown is growing y'all. So many residents have moved here from other cities in Kentucky or even from states all over the nation and there is NO REASON why they should have to shop in a larger city. With a population of 30,000 in Elizabethtown alone, even everyone who grew up here doesn't know everyone. I cannot tell you how many times I have asked for a recommendation and been told that "Lousiville is only an hour away." I don't want to drive to Louisville and honestly, keeping business here in Elizabethtown is good for the community. There is a need for this magazine. We want be sure you know the best boutiques to shop at or who to call when you need your air conditioner fixed.

Articles of Interest

In addition to posts sharing featured business owners, we will be writing articles on local events, recipes and helpful tips from business professionals in the area on everything you have ever needed to know whether it be about buying a car, frying chicken or choosing a healthcare provider. We hope to partner with the Hardin County Chamber of Commerce, ETown Tourism and some local charities and will also be sharing updates from those groups as well.

We are new and we need followers to build a strong social media community. Follow on your favorite social sites: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. In addition, you can tag us in your Instagram posts (#elizabethtownlifestyle) because we want to know what you are up to and about any upcoming events in the Hardin County community. If you know of something cool happening or of someone you think would be interested in advertising, shoot me an email at

Thanks so much for joining us, we hope you stick around! You can expect bi-monthly business spotlights, blog posts on upcoming events, plus locally-based articles and even the occasional recipe. Subscribe today to never miss an update: Because no one likes to receive daily emails, we will be sending out only one monthly overview packed full of juicy details of everything we have covered that month PLUS special offers from local businesses.

Lots of love Elizabethtown,

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